ʻOhe mauka (Polyscias oahuensis)
Hawaiian name: ʻOhe mauka
Botanical name: Polyscias oahuensis
Family: Araliaceae
Status: Endemic
Where found: all the major islands except for Niihau and Kahoolawe
Water/Light: moist to wet island forests - full to partial sun
Elevation range: 785' to 5000'
Height: 15’ – 50’

Notes: The name ʻOhe mauka literally means "mountain" or "upland" ʻohe. This tree has compound leaves each made up of 7 to 15 dull leaflets. It contains a clear sap. The fruits are black or purple in color and their seeds are dispersed by birds. The tree grows in moist to wet island forests.
The Garden is located at 150 Kanaloa Avenue in Kahului, Maui, right across from the War Memorial Stadium.
(808) 249-2798
Hours of Operation
Tuesday through Saturday,
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Closed occasionally for inclement weather and Hawaii State Holidays.
Members: Free
General: $10
Keiki Under 12: Free
Kama'aina: Free
(with Hawai'i ID)