Tours Offered at Maui Nui Botanical Gardens

School Groups: Please call us at 249-2798 for special rates and times.

There are two methods for exploring the garden at Maui Nui Botanical Gardens with a guide:  self-guided audio messages using your phone, or by reserving a docent-led tour.

Self-Guided Tours

Exploring Maui Nui Botanical Gardens through a self-guided tour using your cell phone is free with the cost of admission ($10 for nonresidents, free for residents).

Vistors taking free cellphone tour

A self-guided tour using your cell phone offers a personalized way to explore the diverse plants in the garden. Use our free app to quickly access audio messages for more than 102 species growing in the five acre landscape, using QR codes located on plant identification signs.

Personalize your exploration based on your interests. Whether you're into Hawaiian ethnobotany, plant biology, or simply enjoying the beauty of nature, you can tailor the experience to suit your preferences

Self-guided tours are always an enjoyable and flexable option when visiting the garden

Docent Led Guided Tours

Your alaka‘i kuhi (resident docent) will demonstrate traditional uses of endemic, indigenous, and canoe plants growing at Maui Nui Botanical Gardens and tell a few of their many stories during this one-hour outdoor tour.

For out-of-state residents, tours are $40 per person. Hawaiʻi state resident tours are $20.

To sign up for a tour online first please (1.)choose the number in your group, visitors and/or residents, (2.)pick a date (3.)then click the time. (4.)Fill out the information on the rest of the form, (5.)click the Submit button and you will be taken to PayPal for payment with either your PayPal account or your Credit Card. Please check your email for confirmation.
Hawaii Residents Docent-led Tour
Admission is free with a Hawaii Drivers license or current MNBG membership but there is a $20 fee per person for the Docent-led Tour.
Hawaii Visitors Docent-led Tour
Admission is $10 and there is a $30 fee per person for the tour.
Exploring the garden to learn about native Hawaiian  plants

The Garden is located at 150 Kanaloa Avenue in Kahului, Maui, right across from the War Memorial Stadium.
(808) 249-2798

Hours of Operation
Tuesday through Saturday,
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Closed occasionally for inclement weather and Hawaii State Holidays.

Members:   Free
General:   $10
Keiki Under 12:   Free
Kama'aina:   Free
(with Hawai'i ID)

A Few Native Hawaiian Plants from the MNBG Collection